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Follow slikblik to never miss another show. The ratio of CBD to THC in this product is 16:1. The average dose for this product is 5mg, 2 times per day. To Use the Trullieve Vape Pen: Screw the USB attachment to the vape pen battery then plug it into a USB wall charger that provides at least 2 amps of current. The Best Weed Vape Pens & Concentrates In Canada! Shop THC Distillate, CO2, Weed Shatter, CBD Isolate & 1 Gram Cartridges Online! BC Weed Pen.com is owned and operated by Canadians, and we offer the best vaporizers for weed to all eligible Canadian Discover our range of vape pens from all the major e-cig brands at the Electric Tobacconist US. Order online today and get free shipping when Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned vaper, we have a vape pen for you.
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